Bio Sketch
Bai Cui is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University.
His research focuses on the applications of control and optimization techniques in power and energy systems to improve system security,
economic efficiency, and sustainability.
Bai received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China in 2011,
B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2011, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2018.
Prior to joining ISU, he was a researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and a postdoctoral appointee at Argonne National Laboratory.
What's New
[Dec. 2024] Our paper Securing Voltage Stability in Power Grids via Holomorphic Dynamics has been accepted by Automatica.
[Dec. 2024] I attended PSERC IAB Meeting in Tempe, AZ and presented a joint proposal on economic transmission reconfiguration.
[Nov. 2024] Our paper Multi-Factor-Coupled, Ahead-of-Time Aggregation of Power Flexibility Under Forecast Uncertainty has been published on IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
[Oct. 2024] Together with Prof. Jim McCalley, we drafted an EPRI white paper on the state of the art on transmission topology optimization as part of the Grid-Enhancing Technologies for a Smart Energy Transition (GET SET) Initiative.
[August. 2024] Our paper Updated Impedance Power Flow has been accepted by North American Power Symposium.
[Mar. 2024] I gave a talk at the University of Michigan ECE Control Seminar on grid integration of DERs.
[Mar. 2024] Our OPTIMA proposal titled Modernizing Operation and Decision-Making Tools Enabling Resource Management in Stochastic Environment (MODERNISE)
led by Prof. Zhaoyu Wang has been awarded by DOE SETO, with an expected start date around August/September 2024.
[Feb. 2024] I started the thought partnership project with MISO on economic transmission reconfiguration studies.
[Nov. 2023] I started my service as secretary of the IEEE PSOPE committee award subcommittee.
[Oct. 2023] A paper on the characterization of aggregated flexibility of DERs is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
[Oct. 2023] I attended the INFORMS Annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, where I presented our work on stochastic optimization-based market integration of virtual power plants.
[Sep. 2023] A paper on distribution system reconfiguration is accepted by HICSS.
[Sep. 2023] I attended the Sixth Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems at NREL in Golden, Colorado.
[Aug. 2023] A paper on stability of grid-forming inverter is accepted by ISGT.
[Aug. 2023] EPRC project on Improving DER Aggregate Flexibility begins!
[Aug. 2023] I joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University as an Assistant Professor.
Prospective Students
I am always looking for students with good mathematical backgrounds who are passionate about exploring the fascinating field of power and energy systems.
If you are interested, please first read the letter and reach out to me at